5 Minute Mini Challenges

Challenge 1) 5 Minute Kettlebell Workout

This 5 minute mini workout challenge consists of kettlebell squats and swings. The aim of the game is to go every time the clock strikes 12, or, every minute on the minute. The workout requires you to start with: 10 swings + 5 squats.

Every minute, I want you to add 1 swing and 1 squat to each round. Follow along with the video to ensure it all makes sense.  

Equipment required: 1 kettlebell (I used a 16kg Kettlebell from BLK BOX

Challenge 2) Upper Body Burn

This 5 minute mini workout challenge consists of lateral raises. That's it. And boy, does it burn. It is designed in a Tabata style, which means you work for 20 seconds, then rest 10 for and repeat... until I call time! 

You'll need a set of dumbbells that you can hold onto for 5 minutes. I used 5kgs dumbbells from BLK BOX, but feel free to use lighter if you wish. Good luck! 

Challenge 3) Welcome To The Plank Party

This 5 minute mini workout challenge consists of planks, planks and more planks. It's tough, i'll not lie. But you are tougher so, let's hit play. You are going to start in a front plank, and rotate through to side plank in 30 seconds, then back to front.. and it'll burn. 

All you'll need is a mat. There is a running theme here, but, I got my mat from BLK BOX..Good luck with this one and be sure to keep it handy for the end of every workout. You'll want to repeat this one time and time again.