CFIT x North Coffee Meet Up

On July 7th, Cushendall saw an influx of walkers and runners attend the first ever CFIT x North Coffee Meet up. The idea was formed when I saw a decline in my weekly running group. I know summer is a busy time of year. The BBQ is lit and the wine is in the fridge. That's when most people tail off with their exercise and come September, regret it when they struggle on their first run back.

I approached Mark & James of North Coffee to help me organise a get-together. The guys kindly agreed. Perhaps with slight regret as it was the same week of their grand opening of the new cafe (congratulations by the way - it is incredible). However, they did it. They provided coffee and breakfast for over 80 people from their original base in Cushendall Boat Club. Thank you boys for making the event very special. 

I designed the event to be inclusive to everyone. With running becoming such a popular sport, it doesn't mean everyone has to like it. That's why the walking route was included. I wanted to take away the barrier to entry and ensure babies, prams, kids and dogs could come along too. And boy, you all appeared in your droves. 

I mentioned on my social media that we could only run this event in the future if it was well enough supported. Well, I think we all know the answer. Plans for the second meet up are already underway. Watch this space. 


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